Theatre in Cornellà upon Llobregat

POSTED IN activities 24.11.2009

The association currently collaborates in two projects with the espai jove riera centre (youth centre), the Education Department of the Town Counil of Cornellà and the secondary schools Miquel Martí i Pol i Joan Miró, Cornellà de Llobregat:

Sin Vergüenza collaborates in weekly rehearsals with the Company kin k-ca 1, assisting with the direction and stage adaption of “The Bird Coronel”. The play was first performed in the theatre l’Orfeó Catalònia de Cornellà de Llobregat 22nd January 2010.

We also direct a group; les “petites”

a group of young people of 14 to 16 years old.

we´ve been giving weekly sessions since May 2008

On Wednesday 17th June 2009 they performed an origional theatre piece about adolescence in the “Patronat Cultural de Cornellà”.

You can see an extract of this:






  1. natalia velo escrigué:

    tiooo esta tope curadoo os pasare el video del baile!! nos vems el miercoles
    petoons (K

  2. Sergi Polar escrigué:

    Hey cracks!! molt bona feina m’encanten els videos!!

  3. ibrahim escrigué:

    eyyy tioss
    k na k me encanto la pieza de los grandess stubo xulissima i na mas bueno deww jeje

    Y aver si cundo ns vayamos aya superado ciertos miedos y demostrar k podemos acerlo mucho mejor xaooo